Support measures to maintain employment


According to Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of March 31, which adopts urgent complementary measures in the social and economic field to deal with covid-19, the following aspect is available that we highlight:

Article 33. Exceptional unemployment benefit due to the end of a temporary contract

1.They will be beneficiaries of the exceptional unemployment subsidy to which a fixed-term contract of at least two months duration would have expired, after the entry into force of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, they will not have the necessary price to access another benefit or subsidy if they lack income in the terms established in article 275 of the consolidated text of the General Law on Social Security, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015, of October 30. This subsidy will be recognized to the people affected, in the terms referred to in the previous paragraph, for the termination of a fixed-term contract, including interim, training and relief contracts, and that meet the rest of the requirements provided in this article. .

2. The exceptional unemployment benefit will be incompatible with the perception of any minimum income, inclusion income, social salary or similar aid granted by any Public Administration, as well as with any of the unemployment benefits.2. The exceptional unemployment subsidy will be incompatible with the perception of any minimum income, inclusion income, social salary or similar aid granted by any Public Administration, as well as with any of the unemployment subsidies.

3. The exceptional subsidy will consist of a monthly aid of 80 percent of the current monthly Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator.

4. Beneficiaries must apply for this subsidy within 10 days from the approval by the Public State Employment Service of the procedure for this purpose.

5. The duration of this exceptional subsidy will be one month, extendable if so determined by Royal Decree-law.