Right to receive the social bonus by certain groups in a situation of economic vulnerability


Sixth additional provision.

1. They will be considered vulnerable consumers in their habitual residence and in the terms set forth in Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6, which regulates the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other protection measures for the domestic consumers, consumers who prove as established in this additional provision and presenting the corresponding responsible statement included in the application form.

When the supply contract for the habitual residence of a self-employed or self-employed professional is in the name of the legal person, the social bond must be requested for the natural person, which will imply a change of ownership of the supply contract.

2. In order for a consumer of electricity to be considered a vulnerable consumer for the purposes of this article, he must prove, in accordance with section 4, that the owner of the supply point, or one of the members of his family unit, is in unemployment situation, Temporary Employment Regulation File (ERTE), or have had their working hours reduced due to care, in the case of being an employer, or other similar circumstances that involve a substantial loss of income, thus not reaching the set of the income of the members of the family unit, in the month prior to the moment the complete social bonus application is submitted, with all the required documentation, the following amounts:

- 1.5 times one twelfth of the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income (IPREM) of 14 payments, in the event that they are not part of a family unit or there is no minor in the family unit;

- 2 times the twelfth of the IPREM index of 14 payments, in the event that there is a minor in the family unit;

- 2.5 times one twelfth of the IPREM index of 14 payments, in the event that there are two minors in the family unit.

These income multipliers with respect to the IPREM index of 14 payments will increase, in each case, by 0.5, provided that one of the following special circumstances occurs:

a) That the consumer or any of the members of the family unit has a recognized disability equal to or greater than 33%.

b) That the consumer or any of the members of the family unit certify the situation of gender violence, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

c) That the consumer or any of the members of the family unit has the status of a victim of terrorism, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

d) That the consumer or any of the members of the family unit is in a situation of recognized dependency of degree II or III, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

e) That the consumer certifies that the family unit is made up of a single parent and, at least, one minor. For the sole purposes of verifying this special circumstance, the marketer will verify through the family book and the registration certificate that a second parent does not reside in the home to which the social bonus is linked.

3. In any case, the condition of vulnerable consumer defined in the previous section and, therefore, the right to receive the social bonus in the corresponding terms, will expire on June 30, 2021.

4. To prove the condition of vulnerable consumer defined in the previous section and request the receipt of the social bonus, the consumer must send a reference marketer, through the email address that appears on their website, the model of application and responsible declaration available on the website of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge along with the following supporting documentation:

- In the event of legal unemployment, by means of a certificate issued by the entity managing the benefits.

- In the event of cessation of activity of self-employed workers, by means of a certificate issued by the State Tax Administration Agency or the competent body of the Autonomous Community, where appropriate, on the basis of the declaration of cessation of activity declared by the interested.

- Copy of the NIF or NIE of the holder of the supply point and, if he is part of a family unit, a copy of the NIF or NIE of each of the members for whom said document is mandatory.

- Certificate of registration in force, individual or joint, of the holder of the supply point or of all members of the family unit.

- Family book, in the event that there is a family unit.

- Responsible declaration of the applicant regarding the fulfillment of the requirements demanded in section 2.

b) Once the complete consumer request has been received by the reference marketer, accompanied by the supporting documentation, within a maximum period of five business days, the reference marketer must verify that the requirements are accredited as established in this article, communicating to the consumer by email, or by telephone channel if the consumer has chosen this option, the result of the evaluation.

d) The social bonus will accrue from the first day of the billing cycle in which the receipt of the complete application with the necessary supporting documentation takes place.